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About Us

At Sacred Dream Studio, our instructors welcome students from any and all walks of life. There is a place for everyone, regardless of skill level or background. Founded on the principles of unity and inclusion, the environment is relaxed and empowering. 



Evie is a certified  Reiki Master/Teacher in both the traditional Usui Reiki Ryoho and Karuna lineages, as well as a RYT 200hr yoga instructor. Throughout nearly a decade of international travel, she has studied the teachings of indigenous tribes of Central and South America, incorporating many of their practices into her own unique healing process. Evie’s approach is focused on gently exploring and understanding the shadow self through the practice of shamanic journeying. With the use of dreamwork to consciously weave a brighter future, she supports others in the reclamation of their power from unconscious patterns and limiting beliefs. As these outdated mechanisms dissolve, the authentic self of the individual is revealed, thus allowing them to take control of their life and move towards the realization of their full potential. All of Evie’s classes are infused with a light and joyful energy, which she believes is paramount to any healing journey.    

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